

The company “AK “Phobos” in connection with the identification of facts of unauthorized use of the trademark “Phobos”, urges buyers to check the presence of identification marks of our shut-off valves:on the case there are Stamps applied by casting method, on the handle there are inscriptions “PHOBOS”.

The company warns about the presence on the commodity market of fake shut-off valves that have not been properly checked for compliance with the quality standards of shut-off valves, and in this regard calls on buyers of shut-off valves:

  • pay attention to the price of the shut-off valves (unrealistically low prices indicate that the shut-off valves are made illegally and do not have a quality certificate or used components are used in its manufacture);
  • pay attention to the presence of factory markings, passports and certificates for the purchased shut-off valves;
  • check the appearance and design of accompanying documents;
  • check the authority of dealers by calling the hotline of shut-off valve manufacturers;
  • check with the “black list” of organizations engaged in the production or sale of counterfeit shut-off valves;

The company informs buyers who purchase falsified shut-off valves or manufactured illegally and sold at dumping prices that these products:

  • poses an increased danger to the objects of the gas and oil, chemical industry, housing and communal services, etc.;
  • does not have a guarantee of trouble-free operation;
  • does not give the consumer the right to warranty or service

The company “PHOBOS” officially announces the accession to the Policy of the NPAA in the field of combating illegal trafficking in the commodity markets of counterfeit products – fittings and actuators.

The company’s website will contain:

  • NPAA documents and bulletins on combating illegal trafficking of counterfeit shut-off valves;
  • links to sections of the official page of the NPAA “black list” of organizations acting in bad faith;
  • link to the list of hotline phones of shut-off valve manufacturers information about the activities carried out by JSC “AK “PHOBOS” in the fight against illegal trafficking of counterfeit shut-off valves.
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